The Future of Protest

Miners Strike 84/85, UK
Miners Strike 84/85, UK

I arrived back in New Jersey, state of my birth, to find a state filled with money problems and political impasses. Budget cuts, layoffs, and closed down businesses is what I hear much about. Frustration and anger, with politics as well as the economy, are easy to spot if you can get anyone to talk about the state of the state.

Down in Washington DC, where I will soon be, they are preparing to hold a Rally to Restore Sanity hosted by the very funny and intelligent John Stewart. Apparently this rally is in response to one held by conservative fans of Glenn Beck, the popular Fox News tv personality.  Thousands upon thousands of people gathering on the national mall, as many have before, to express their opinions related to politics and the state of the nation.

Then I look over at France and the ongoing strikes against cuts and reforms of the pension system, as well as against the French President himself, who’s popularity has plummeted.

And so it goes in this era of western democracies. Politics and economics have failed the average citizen, so the average citizen does what he/she learned our ancestors did; protest, demonstrate, strike, rally. The goal is to get the results that many movements from the past managed to get – change.

Yet watching students walk out of classes in New Jersey. Hearing about rallies in the heart of the US capital. Reading about strike after strike after strike in Paris and throughout France. Listening to the sounds of Greek demonstrations on the radio. So much energy, so much anger, so much struggle… yet measuring the impact of these activities seems harder then it has ever been.

Governments set up a designated area for your protests. Leaders drive away from the area where there is a rally.  Commuters wait for transport strikes to end and get right back on the train with little regard for what the strike was about.

My question and my point with bringing all this up is not to say that strikes are wrong or futile. My question is are strikes enough in an era where they are as easily ignored as they are initiated.  Is there not some new twist or tactic that is missing from the traditional demonstration that indeed in the past has served as the best tool to make the demands of a social movement known. I look at the struggles and the victories of the past, I look at the frustration and demands of the present, and I wonder how (and if!) we can be more effective for the future.

ctrp354 The Next Economic Meltdown & Cheesecake

From the Archives - Max in London

Max Kaiser’s website is among the most popular sites to visit in Washington DC among Homeland Security employees. They’re such regular and enthusiastic visitors, Max says they are helping to pay his salary, and they’re most welcome to do so.

Through his program on Russia Today and Press TV, Max Kaiser (along with Stacy Herbert) continues to expose the truth about the global economy and who is benefiting while so many lose everything. In this return appearance on Max gets into why he likes working for RT and Press TV, while telling the story of the only global media outlet to ever sensor his reporting.

In between, there is cheesecake.

Missions in this Life

Near Kandahar by Flickr Member: startledrabbit III

I find myself spending 2 days in Brooklyn, New York, guest lecturing at Brooklyn college in the media department. I stand before rooms filled with students, as I have done so often over the past 6+ years, and I speak about being a citizen journalist and why I do what I do/how I do what I do. I spend lots of time telling recent stories from Afghanistan and Siberia, among other adventures. Thankfully I am met by interested, thoughtful, and open minded students, who not only allow me to tell stories and give my sometimes strange opinions, but who also share their own, in the process they unintentionally inspire me to do more of what I’ve been doing.

There is, of course, something wrong about me being a spokesperson for what is going on in Afghanistan. If there’s anything I’ve been very clear about since before my trip began, I am no expert on that country. Yes I am interested. Yes I had excellent friends and acquaintances there who took the time to teach about history, culture, in ways most of those outside the country don’t normally get to learn. Yes I can share my experience and tell a fairly entertaining story, but when I think about those who taught me so much in such a short time, they would be far better suited to do this thing I am doing. To speak about a place that deserves to be spoken about, regarding aspects that usually get cut out of the media reports.

I thought this tonight as I read the words of a good friend and an astute observer working near Kandahar at the moment. In his words I feel the excitement, the rush of adrenaline some reporters call it, as well as the despair for those that suffer and those who die. All of this wrapped up into another day at work story. Though as is so often the case in that part of the world, no day is JUST another day at work.

bmtv117 Final Afghanistan Video

Having arrived a few days ago here in the New Jersey house I was raised in, I surely have thoughts, observations, and reports regarding the state of the state around me. However quality time with friends and family comes with story telling and reminiscing of recent adventures in Afghanistan.

Therefore before I can move on to the now, I must first release this last Afghanistan video including alot of footage I had not yet used in a vlog entry.

ctrp353 Working as a Female Photographer in Afghanistan

It wasn’t some childhood dream that led Mariam to photography, instead it was a series of encounters and encouragement that led her to become a professional photographer in her home country of Afghanistan.

In this podcast interview, recorded on my last day in Kabul, Mariam explains her experience as a photographer working throughout Afghanistan over the last few years. She tells about her training, the different jobs she has done, and all the challenges that have arisen along the way.

See her photos on Flickr or Contact her via her website

Counting the Votes

Blogs from Afg

Baghe Babur Gate

I’d like to begin by sending out a big thank you and expressing how great it was to be writing and recording content to be shared with all of you and to be getting so much feedback; good bad or in between. Thank you. The trip itself was extremely interesting, educational, and unforgettable, but this aspect of having my audience with me, made it something even greater.

Being back in Amsterdam with fresh memories and a wish to keep in touch with those working and living in Afghanistan, be they locals or foreigners, I now often turn to blogs that I’ve come to value with stories, reports, and rants about the situation there. While there are surely many more choices then the few I recommend, I still wanted to post my list (of 3) in case any of you also want to see some voices that interest me from that part of the world:

Read My Eyes – The candid observations of a very experienced and passionate photo journalist and friend.

Transitionland – Sometimes angry sometimes happy, always educational writing about Afghanistan as well as its quirky international community.

Free Range International – Apparently Im the last one to the party as this blog has long been a household name for Afghanistan War focused individuals.

Feel free to add one of yours in the comments.