11,000 pages! 11,000 pages…. basically telling the world about their entire weapons/chemical/bio programme! Thats what Iraq produced! Bush admin. is so quick to say “Well…. we’ll see” because basically they never intended these requirements to actually be met. They expected Iraq to just get annoyed… at some really excessive and intrusive requirements to avoid war. BUT THEY DID IT YESTERDAY! How many countries, acturate or not, would do such a thing? Certainly not the UK or the US…. all that info is “TOP SECRET”.

Also yesterday, Iraq apologized for the invasion of Kuwait back in ’91. Now its true, apologies don’t bring loved ones back. But its rather ironic…. or just wierd…. just last week the US military ran over a little girl with a tank in S-Korea….. Bush apologized. This was supposed to be the “good thing to do”… apologize. Strange how they can apologize, but no one else can.

Tomorrow, december 5th, A New York City Appeals court will exonerate the two boys convicted of rape in the central park jogger case which is now more than a decade old. It is another testament to mob rule and justice by the barrell of a gun. These boys, one hispanic and one black, were coerced into confessing that they commited the rape. It was captured on video and those were the years of people wanting to crack down on crime in NYC… and of course their most likely culprits, black and latino kids. Who would defend them? Who would believe some reckless kids? Who cares about them?

As it turns out…. a convicted rapist came forward and admitted he commited the rape and he acted alone. DNA tests confirmed that the semen on the joggers socks belonged to the man. No one ever found matching DNA with the kids, but that didn’t seem to matter. It never does when you have mob rule.

So no harm no foul right… honest mistake? Wrong… years have been stolen from these boys… who are now men. Who will give them their adolesence back? Instead of school and friends they only knew prison bars. And why? Because NYC’s elites needed a scapegoat… they needed to put a face to their fears. I wonder how much has changed since then?

I condolences to the rape victim, who has to relive this horror, and to two children…. men… who lost much of their lives…. good luck in the precious future.

Indonesia: Today, the man captured in connection to the Bali bombing, announced he was the only person who planned the attack. As American and Indonesian government officals try their best to get him to say “Al Qaeda” it is obvious to any non-war hungry humans, that there is no connection. Too bad for the British and Americans who love to connect every terrorist attack to Al Qaeda, because that way they have a clear enemy. Too bad, the world is not black and white the way they try to paint it, and you can’t just DECLARE WAR ON EVIL. Fact is, this crazy man bombed a nightclub, a terrible crime. He should be judged and proven guilty, along with all those who helped him. Beyond that is just the Indonesian government and the American government grasping at straws.. trying their best to get some more incentive to spend more money on their modern-day crusades.

There is much to speak about regarding S-Korea, N-Korea, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Venezuela, and Equador…. but let the focus first stay with Iraq. Beyond just speaking about Iraq, what really needs to be spoken about is the American mainstream media’s state-run pro-war campaign.

There is fundamentally no difference between the behavior of the press in China and the United States of America. The only difference is one is state sponsored censorship and the other is self-censorship…. either way the news you receive ignores facts that could change public perception of a conflict.

For every sentence about Iraq in the Washington Post there is a cynical editorialized sentence. A writer will say “Iraq has fully coorperated with UN inspectors” and then there’ll be a comma “, for now.” As if this reporter knows the future, they throw in their opinion that war is eminent. Heres that example… the writer is Rajiv Chandrasekaran who has a “military matters” column:

HEADLINE: Inspectors Get Red Carpet in Iraq — So Far

The headline alone says it all. This is a pro-war journalist… and shouldn’t be read as objective or even balanced in his reporting. Essentially he works for the American military, for free.

FACT: Bush wants war.

FACT: Iraq is coorperating in the inspections in an enthusiastic manner

FACT: EVERY AMERICAN MEDIA OUTLET is already talking about war as if it’s a reality.

“It means that terror organizations and the regimes behind them are able to arm themselves with weapons which can cause mass casualties anywhere and everywhere,” Netanyahu said. “Today, they’re firing the missiles at Israeli planes, tomorrow they’ll fire missiles at American planes, British planes, every country’s aircraft. Therefore, there can be no compromise with terror.”

This is the empty and devious comment by Israeli foreign minister Benjamin Netanyahu regarding the attacks in Kenya against Israeli tourists. Notice how at first, he states the obvious…. terrorism is international… WHAT A BREAKTHROUGH! Then he points out that they can hurt alot of people.. again.. true genious. Then, notice how he cleverly ties in two important supporters on the so-called “war on terrorism”, tomorrow it could be americans or brits…. notice he didnt say Brazilians or Chinese…. no.. his goal was to specifically remind the two allies that they must spend more money on arresting and bombing impoverished people, and to give more $$ and military equip. to Israel. A truely scarey man. As this is written, he is trying to seem more to the right than the granddaddy of right-wing Ariel Sharon.

The only ray of hope is Labor’s Amram Mitzna… a man interested in peace and not stupid hardline military violence that has so far led to… lets see… oh.. a much more stable Israel indeed.

A 52 year old British UN worker was killed by the Israeli military last friday. He was inside a clearly marked UN building. He was working on a 20 million+ dollar project to rebuild the Jenin refugee camp which the Israeli “Defence” Force demolished in their anti-terrorism campaign last spring. According to the IDF, the soldiers mistook his celullar phone for a grenade. Shot him dead… According to more IDF statments, there were militants inside the compound. How did they know? They didn’t. It’s an easy excuse… “Oh.. he knew a terrorist…. Oh we thought he was going to set off a bomb” the Israeli military is free to do whatever they want and encouraged to kill whomever they can, this is a clear illustration of that fact. The UN has rejected the statenments by the IDF, saying there were absolutely no militants in the building.

If any other country did such a thing… killing a UN worker.. they would be slapped with sactions, they would be condemned, and if the US had any say in it.. they would be invaded! SO.. where are all the cries for justice? OH wait… its Israel… number one ally of the United States…. I guess it was just an accident.

The international community should demand nothing less than SANCTIONS! An apology! A Full investigation! And a TRIAL! For the soldiers and their superiors!