bm172 Pharma and You: Part 1 – The Researchers

The first installment of a series that i intend to further develop in the coming months, focusing on the pharmaceutical industry, especially their products; prescription drugs. In this series you will hear from researchers, doctors, lobbyists, consumers, and various other kinds of people involved in this complex world of making medication, forming policies about them, buying them, and prescribing them.

This first podcast, a longer one than usual, features two interviews with professionals in the research field:

My first guest, a returning voice on the Communique, he is Ed Vawter, PHD; he has worked for some of the biggest names in the business, as well as a consultant. I ask Ed about the current picture in the United States when it comes to the big drug producers, and we also get into Canada, Europe, Japan, even a bit of India.

My second guest, Jack Z, a longtime contributor to the blog, old friend of mine, and bio-chemist for a small company in the NY/NJ area. He and I will discuss what works well about the drug industry and what needs improvement. You also get to hear his experience working for a smaller company within the industry that includes so many big fish.


3am Thanks to Fleur

Hello Im 27.

I didn’t think it was a big deal. And then… my friend Fleur called.

You may remember her as Dolphin Girl, as Ive admirably referred to her work with marine life in the Azores.

Well she first called me to dinner, my last meal as a 26 year old, she called it. And that alone left me happy as larry, whomever he is, and then, along with another old friend from way back in my Amsterdam life, these two wonderful ladies took my out to a most unlikely place. And proceeded to make a birthday celebration out of it.

I was shocked. Im still surprised. I cherish my beatiful, pocket-sized gifts. Moreover, I cherish the friends that make up my family here in my most favorite city on earth. After dancing til 2h30.. I decided it was time to come home as I was still able to walk and unlock my bike. I gave them all the biggest hugs and whispered endless praise into Fleur’s ears.. which she shrugged off like it was nothing.

This beautiful nothing made my 27th birthday.. and the day is barely 3 hours old.

Dank jullie wel! Fleur, Barbara, and the boys that would later join us. I don’t normally use the blog for name dropping, but you filled me with joy… and liquor, i think.

bmtv31 Long and Boring, Yet Important

A vlog from a man in his bathrobe at four in the afternoon. My two topics of earth shattering importance: 1- The vlogger foundation. Or something like that, which is an idea I need help developing. 2- socially conscious ad network links: evilvlog insanefilms Drinking Mochas Makes my Kidneys Feel Better

Always Learning From Comments

In all my sickness, I was somehow at some pub tonight celebrating an old friends birthday. And perhaps because Im dillusional, this brave soul listened to me go on and on about the power of personal publishing (blogs in on their forms) and the people who read them.. the comments especially, how good they can be.

Well.. as soon as I arrive home, ready to pass out… the evidence is here waiting for me. So without further adue… this post is from the comments, from you out there, on the topic of what was the constitution meant to do and what has been done with it. Even some discussion about an old white dead guy I like very much by the name of Madison.
Some might say — “oooh politics” but I ask that you get beyond that cop-out. This is about lives.. people’s lives and what they can do with them.. what they are allowed to do with them. (among other things) Here we go, picking and choosing paragraphs:

The problem with ALL democracies is parties. The only thing a party does is work to arrange the advancement of that parties agenda irrespective of the number of people in that party. Since the constitution was written before parties, it is defensless against them. They are like a filter that everthing must pass through before it gets to the system, thus rendering the system ineffective. –RogueGenius

…I’m more tempted to understand the constitution’s main intent is to protect the people from the government and to ensure the right to private propoerty. The success of that is a whole other bag but these were men whose freshest memory of government gone wrong was persecution from the King of England. On the surface this leads people to believe that their main intent was to create a government that would prevent any one man from having that sort of power……
Man…the more I read Madison, the more I realize how much they already knew and how little we learned from them. They had the flux-capaciter and we let Biff build his hotel anyways. – van stratt (with the bonus BTF reference!)

The Constitution is far more about sausage-making government and is covered with correction fluid from all the parts we have had to edit out of the Founder’s vision, like the fractional representation of people owned as property and the lifetime appointment of senators. Still lots of room for improvement there IMHO. — Nick

Thank ye friends, those who comment on other stuff, or even rarely. You remind me of why the two way street of blogging is important.

Albania Fever

Since I think I might be sick, it is a good time to mention Albania!

Jim Belushi is Albanian.

My cousin was just on the skypes telling me all about his recent work-trip to Tirana, Albania. Now I’m convinced I should have gone there and I need to go there.

Richard kept mentioning during our recent journey, that we should head to Albania because no one is there yet and there’s probably still this feeling of chaos and rebuilding. Seems alot of that is true. I’ve been reading up (wikipedia unfortunately); Albania was in a very unique kind of catatonic isolation til the late eighties, early nineties. The history is amazing, dating back to prehistory in fact. If I didn’t feel sick I might have more to say about it.. but maybe you’ll look it up yourself sometime.. or visit there, like I will! (whenever that will be, I have no idea)

bm171 Constitutional Convention Call

It was a recent On Point program that really caught my attention when it comes to the topic of the constitution and the structure of the US government. In this show I go over some of what was said on the program, I answer back, and probably echo a little too much.

To hear the full On Point program, click here
And then read Federalist Paper number 10 by Madison.. thats a good one