Some Inspiring Videos for 07

“When you recommend stuff, I like that, you should do more of that,” said a nice guy at a party in Berlin who knew of my blog. He was pretty curious and concerned about my choices as a writer, podcaster, and vlogger… which I very much appreciated.

So, in honor of him, and because I was particularly inspired by these vlogs I just watched.. you absolutely should watch the following three:

1 – Minnesota Stories’ vlog entry about the artist C. Beck. This is not just me saying.. hey watch this.. this is me saying.. I absolutely loved the words and thoughts of this artist and his work is brilliant.

2 – While the Colombian migration project has many strong entries, this latest one on a woman named Rocio and her struggle to obtain citizenship reminded me alot of my own thoughts on life. The value I place on my own right to travel and move and live where I want.

3 – And finally tonight, I just added him to my vlogroll… he’s a great friend and probably certifiably insane. The macdocman has returned to the vlog world with a very motivating focus… go watch the first crazy entry on United VLoggers. I’ll go to his house tomorrow night and let him know in person why I liked it.

Yes, I Give In, It’s Historical

Back in the ‘dam… and barely able to keep my eyes open. Naturally it is good to be back, my boat has NOT sunk, and slightly more importantly, I wanted to share what I find interesting about some recent developments in the land of the United States and my state-of-birth, New Jersey.

First off, the world doesn’t really need another blog to mention the historical swearing in of Nancy P as speaker of the house, but I have to admit it is a positive development.. or at least it sounds positive thus far. For firstclass nonstop, these-people-never-sleep coverage of whenever a senator says boo… read Americablog. Unfortunately in a few hours I was supposed to travel to Paris to meet Chris and John the Americabloggers, but Ive simply spent too much money and energy so I now need to sit here in the Old West and recharge til it is time to run again. No Paris for me right now.

Here’s what is really interesting, and I only FIRST noticed over lunch today when Ellen said.. hey look... and there in the Dutch newspaper, is a thing about how New Jersey’s governor wants to abolish the death penalty..and it looks like he may do it! YOu can read New Jersey’s official Death Penalty Commission report here. Maybe present it at school for show and tell or something, because it is yet more hard evidence of a failed policy and a necessary change.

Hearing this, and the continuing battle to have civil unions, which hopefully becomes law soon, makes me just a bit prouder of my home state. Or is it too soon for any of this?

They Want Me In Berlin

Lots of people. I’m serious.

As I’ve made my way around town, and had such unforgetable evenings, my good friends here in Berlin have more than hinted that I should move here. Not that I’m looking for a place to move, but no matter, it frequently comes up that this town and I would go well together. Which I find interesting and somewhat true.

When you consider how cities around the world have become, especially in the western world, with their skyrocketing property values, corporate chain stores everywhere you turn, and alternative culture being pushed into oblivion.. Berlin is a wonderful exception.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… this is a city for creative people. Sure the economy is shit. And the german language is not always a walk in the park. Plus if you’re me, it is really far from any immediate family members..

Butif you’re sitting there in Brooklyn watching your new neighbors pay triple your rent in their newly renovated lofto-condo, or if you’re in Amsterdam sitting in your closet of an apartment, or perhaps you’re even in London where everytime you breathe I think it costs money… this place may just represent relief and joy.

Just a thought.

I’m staying in Amsterdam. But nothing will keep me from frequently visiting or boasting about this town.

bm176 One Laptop per Child

During 23C3 I had the good fortune of running into SJ who works for the Green Machine project. Which has been renamed the OLPC project, but I still like calling it the Green Machine because that is what it is… a 100 dollar laptop that had been designed specifically for the harshest conditions in the most remote places in the world. It is an issue close to any internet content creator’s heart… anyone who wants to see more of the world having access to computers and personal publishing online. If you’re intested in learning more, after the interview perhaps consult their website:


Welcome to 07, Lets Start with Saddam

Everyone will talk about the Saddam execution, and I can’t help but be one more today.

Nothing screams modern society like a hanging. And did you see the uncensored video of it? Talk about watching a barbaric civilization.. and when I say that Im referring to the so-called human civilization.

I know.. its the new year and Im enjoying life in Berlin.. why be so hard on humanity? Well.. I refuse to take-it-easy on humankind in ’07.

But here’s an aspect of the execution that I’ve been especially compelled by, sorting through todays news i came across a BBC article that interviews the US military nurse in charge of Saddam since capture. He says some pretty interesting things, including that Saddam frequently asked why the US had invaded Iraq if its laws were fair and the inspectors had declared there were no WMD. It also talks about some lesser important details about how he gardened and saved his bread scraps to feed birds. The last detail that really got me was about the occasion where the nurse had to leave to return to the US, and Saddam embraced him and said that now.. they were brothers.

All these details further add to the pile of questions and inconsistencies about the man. Above all, that he really does not understand what has happenned to him, his country, and perhaps even what he did – wrong or right.

Human Rights Watch, Amnesty, many leaders around the world have already expressed their opinions that the trial was not a fair one and that the execution was a mistake.

For my part I would add that something seems very odd about the timing, and how fast this execution was pushed. When you think about it, having Saddam dead prevents any intimate details from ever coming out about important moments in history – including the days when he was buddy buddy with the US.

New Year in the Berlin

ITs anti social of me to blog from a party… but what the hell… its a party of computer loving germans.. they understand.

WE’re watching dinner for one.. which Tim tells me.. is a tradition on New Years in Germany.

So Im off to watch and put this computer away. Tomorrow Ill get back to journalism, commentary, and who knows what… for tonight.. I wish you all, in whatever time zone you’re in, dear readers… happy new year. May it be a more peaceful and interesting one.