bm146 Truth, Reconciliation, and Cambodia

Should the show go on if Pol Pot and other key members of the Khmer Rouge are dead? In this program I discuss the history of the KR, the plan for an international tribunal, and what function a truth and reconciliation type court serves a society shattered by mass killing on an unimaginable scale. Once again this program is recorded on the road, this time from a hotel room in Coimbra, Portugal.


bm145 Reflections from Portugal Regarding Israel-Lebanon

Due to internet restraints, I don’t have the means with which to research and do full shows. In this program I pace around the apartment and discuss Israel-Palestine and media coverage of what is happening. Mostly about the bizarre and pathetic things going on.
Later this week I’ll have an interview or two. I wish Portugal would hurry up and modernize so that I could have better net access without having to trek all over town.

bm144 Historical Amnesia In the Israel-Lebanon Conflict

The wise and wonderful Hanna Braun joins me once again to discuss the past and the results of previous Israeli incursions into Lebanon. A former member of the Israeli Defence Force before Israel was even a state, she helps dissect the current situation and the responses from the international community. (Partially recorded on the road so pardon some quality lapses)


bm143 Politicians and Their Use of Blogs

When and Lyssa videoblogged a stroll around the office with Angela Merkel, it became the shot heard round the german blogosphere. In this program we talk about both the praise and criticism for how politicians are or will use personal media in order to communicate with us – their bosses (in theory).

Watch the video
Read Lyssa’s Lounge (in German)


bm142 Discussing Lebanon with a Lebanese Friend

When seeking info about Lebanon, in order to transcend the media filters in North America and around the world that give us their government(s) approved, we must speak directly with people whos lives are connected to what happens there. In this program I speak with my friend Ramzi, who has lived in Amsterdam for the past few years. Together we discuss the different sides in the conflict, and where things might go from here.

Robert Fisk Audio

Democracy Now’s Coverage from Friday


bm141 Stolen Elections; From Florida2000 to Mexico2006

Most anyone remembers the drama of the election results in Florida. Stories of names being wiped off of voter lists, an initiative carried out by the very same company that has done similar in the latest Mexican Elections. In this program I look at the disputed result and the corporation ChoicePoint, the parent company of the firm that handled the voter rolls in Florida 2000, now involved in the latest debacle in Mexico.

Greg Palast’s Investigative Reports

Guardian Article on the Florida-Mexico connection
Hoover’s ChoicePoint Facts
Wired Article on ChoicePoint’s loss of private data