bm153 Kitschification of 911

The Kitschification of 911. The words of Phillip Roth as quoted on a recent episode of radio open source. In this program I discuss how the events of that day have been used and abused in the poorest of taste for the most shameful of activities. I also remember and asess numbers, in terms of cost of lives and resources.

On Point Episode with Howard Zinn on the Utility of War

Open Source on 9-11 literature


bm152 Portrait of American Journalists

Professor of communications and author of numerous studies related to the profiles and sociology of journalists, Mark Deuze joins me to discuss the latest statistics on American journalists.

Mark Deuze’s Post on David Weaver’s Profile of American Journalists


bm151 An activists story, from Lebanon to Jerusalem

It was early July and she was invited to a camp in southern Lebanon. A very special camp. Many nations, cultures, religions, all gathered to work for one common goal. This is my friend Elise’s story of being at the camp as the bombs began to rain down on Lebanon.

No links, listening is all that’s necessary.


bm150 Direct from Afghanistan

The news reports indicate the that Taliban is alive and well in Afghanistan. Meanwhile life goes on, the militaries of various nations work in the country, and we are left wondering what is going on. In this program I speak with an Afghani translator for the US military, and ask him what changes he has seen.

No Links Today, interview speaks for itself.


bm149 Australian Immigration Struggle

Throughout the past 5 years you may have seen the occasional story about immigration and Australia. As the government plays the law and order card, how do Australians, many once immigrants themselves, see their governments policies? Warwick of Nimbin Radio joins me from New South Whales, Australia, to share what has happened and what may happen when it comes to Australia’s attitudes and policies towards immigration.

Related: Roger Maynard’s Article in the Guardian

bm148 General Motors and the Death of Public Transport

Around the 1930s, General Motors decided, together with other major corporations related to the auto industry, to form front companies which would buy up urban train and trolley lines in the United States (and attempted some Canada). From there trolleys were gradually killed off and disappeared. But who is responsible really?

Some Links:

The Trial: United States vs. National City Lines
Testimony from Bradford Snell
Criticism of the theory that General Motors was responsible
Some propaganda photos from that period