bm171 Constitutional Convention Call

It was a recent On Point program that really caught my attention when it comes to the topic of the constitution and the structure of the US government. In this show I go over some of what was said on the program, I answer back, and probably echo a little too much.

To hear the full On Point program, click here
And then read Federalist Paper number 10 by Madison.. thats a good one

bm170 Venice and the Crusades

The idea behind this podcast begins in the alleyways of Venice, only a few days ago. When observing the buildings and reading the history, one particular period stood out for me as significant to everything happening today. Listen to my amateur-armchair history summary and hear the shocking list of parallels between the Venice of 1200 and the Venices of today.

Univ of Wisconsin archive on the Crusades
Wikipedia, if you can stand it

bm169 Ljubljana and a Tourists History of the Region

Arch Duke Ferdinand, Austria-Hungarian Empire, Serbian Nationalism, and how exactly did things end up like this in this part of the world? Richard and I ask these questions and I try to answer them, all in this podcast from Ljubljana.

BBC’s History of the former Yugoslavia


Just google Slovenian Folk Music, I’m working on buying a disc or two.

bm168 Verona Italy and Voter Turnouts

Not the usual podjournalism as I’m on the road. This time coming to you from the riverside in Verona, Italy. The sun is setting and I talk about a little history of the city and I get into voter turnout numbers following yesterday’s Dutch elections.
Next Stop: Ljubjana, Slovenia. But first, a few hours in Venice with Madge Weinstein.

The Voter Turnout Surveys That I Sort of Refer To
dutch Elections

bm167 Villaraigosa and Los Angeles

He is the first latino mayor of Los Angeles since the 1800s, but Antonio Villaraigosa has a wide appeal and big plans. The dynamic Green LA girl joins me to shed some light on yet another mayor in the ongoing global mayors series.

READ – The Green LA Girl, cause its good for you.

Wikipedia on Mayor Villaraigosa


bm166 Working for Change in Tajikistan

When asked where Tajikistan is located on the map, few people can identify it among the ex soviet republics. Perhaps that is one reason why the story of Tajikistan today so often goes untold. My guest, Amanda of ChistianAid, who works to improve life in Tajikistan, helps explain the little known reality on the ground.

Christian Aid Blog from Tajikistan, as well as Podcasts