When you hear the words food aid you no doubt imagine a wealthy country sending bags of food to parts of the world where people are starving. Yet in the case of the US, the reality is quite different. In fact, there is many ways that your food does not go from here to there. Even more alarming, could the US food aid program be hurting hungry people more than helping them?
“Who Does US Food Aid Benefit” is a recent article for In These Times, written by my first guest Megan Tady.
We then hear from Jordan Dey, director of US Relations for the World Food Program
Topics Covered:
– Different types of food aid
– Agri-business money making
– Genetically Modified Food
– Buying Local and Local Farmers
– Free Trade Agreements
– The farm bill
– Underlying Economic and Political goals
– Needs to address the present hunger crises around the world
+much more
Many unforgetable words have been written from the prisons of the world, yet in today’s world of internet publishing, will there be a place for prisoners as well? Independent journalist and San Francisco mayoral candidate Josh Wolf joins me to talk about his experience and the Prisonblogs.net project.
Josh’s Website, currently focused on the Mayoral Campaign
Media Sphere
We Discuss:
– Prisoner options for communicating or publishing
– How he handled internet posts
– Internet access in prison?
– 2 places where we normally can’t hear from people
– How P-Blogs works
– Pressuring the Gov’
– Prisoner issues in his mayoral campaign
The media has reported on the recent rush by various countries to gain access to more territory in the arctic. Yet they fall short of discussing what is at stake for the earth if companies start extracting resources or using the region as a shipping lane. In this program with the help of guests in Moscow, Alaska, and New York, we look at just what is going on, why, and how are communities being effected.
James Cochran in New York; Doherty Senior Research Scientist, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University.
Pamela Bumsted in Bethel, Alaska; Researcher, Scientist, and blogger.
Olaf Koens in Moscow; journalist and blogger.
Topics covered during the program:
– Why now?
– What lies beneath?
– Territorial claims
– New Shipping lanes
– Rising sea levels
– Effects on communities in and around the region
– Effects on the globe
– Russian political and scientific goals
– Public perception
– Media coverage of the issue
Most people put money in the bank and figure it stays there waiting for them. But everyday banks take your money and invest it in industries that are actually destroying lives and the planet. In this podcast we talk about that investment; ways of getting banks and investment funds to behave responsably and what power the client has to determine what is done with their money.
My first guest is Jens Nielsen from Friends of the Earth Netherlands who talks about the recent report on Dutch banks and Climate Conscious Investing
Next guest is Robert Rubinstein, CEO and founder of Brooklyn Bridge and the TBLI group, who talks about global investment funds, their motivatioions and behavior, and getting them to adopt sustainable, responsible, long term goals.
Topics Covered in this program:
– Dutch banks, large and small
– Why banks invest as they do
– What can be done to make them act responsibly
– The global picture
– Investment funds like the Gates foundation
– short term vision
– power of the customer
– herding cats, farming for the long term
– Green real estate
Aske Dam has watched the world go from huge cumbersome video equipment to the tiny cameras he enjoys using today. And throughout the last decades he has also been a first hand witness to the phenomenon of local community television stations in Japan. At a time where we are so focused on the internet to set us free, Aske remembers groups of people in Japan who had made their own personal and community media, long before the internet. In this internet we discuss all this and more, while sitting outside overlooking the beautiful city of Heidelberg during VlogEurope 2007.
We Discuss:
-How he first got started with television in Japan
– Cable systems in Japan
-The function and structure of community stations
– The unique and wonderful programs and philosophies of the people involved
– Comparing it to community tv projects in Denmark
– The evolution of localized tv production
– Interactivity
– Later on, bought and sold? Or disappeared?
– Digital Education
– Digital Cinemas
Ryanne and her partner Jay have made it their goal to spread the word of videoblogging around the world. Lately that quest has taken them to India, Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand. In this program I take some time to talk to Ryanne about the journey and how she see’s the state of video online in relation to south Asia. And of course we’ll talk about the future. (pardon the occasional audio clitch, I liked the interview too much to let that that skype problem stop me)
Her Projects, which you should check out, are:
Ryan is Hungry – on Sustainability and the environment
Ryanedit – personal vlog
ShowInABox – for people wanting to start videoblogs
We Discuss:
– The Journey to south Asia
– Journey to India
– Things in Vietnam and censorship
– Representation of South Asia on the internet
– Function of having people tell their stories online through video
– prospects for the future