bm249 Food Prices and Our Lives

The optimism that many people once used to speak about biofuels is now getting hit hard by cynicism when it comes to the rising cost of food and how that is related to food becoming fuel. Somewhere in the middle, we may find the truth. We may also find out what policies or forces are helping or hurting world hunger, and the cost of food. In this podcast I make use of a recent On Point episode, which includes interviews with numerous people that work in the field of food, biofuels, and the economy. Full credit to On Point as these interviews are all from their excellent program, with my commentary and own facts in between.

Listen to the original episode of On Point, here.


  • Corn and Sugarcane
  • Farm production
  • Tying Food Prices to Oil Prices
  • Conflicts in the World related to food costs
  • Disappearing Farmland
  • Regulation versus Market


bm248 Campaign Staff With a Dark Past

Virtually every candidate who was running or is still running in the US presidential election uses the word change over and over again. Some are more believable then others. While recently I’ve been trying to sort out where the money is coming from, in this podcast I look at who is on staff on the democratic side. Since both Clinton and Obama are seen as the most exciting candidates who promise change, I’m asking who are the people that shape their policies?

Campaign staff can very easily become White House Staff if the race is won, especially those individuals with the label of “advisor”.  In this podcast I talk about the advisors on staff, and those with a questionable past. While both candidates have some staff members with impressive and admirable records, there are also those with questionable connections and blood on their hands.

Useful sources I recommend for doing your own research:

  • OpenSecrets – As previously mentioned for money and elections
  • Muckety – Interesting Way to Map Connections

Articles Mentioned in this podcast:

Other Names I go into:

  • William Perry – Clinton Advisor
  • William Daley – Obama Advisor
  • Howard Wolfson – Clinton Advisor
  • Mike Henry – Clinton Deputy Campaign Manager
  • Patti Doyle – Clinton Campaign Manager
  • Robert Malley – Obama Middle East Advisor (alleged)

bm247 Holding the Army Corps Accountable

A recent court ruling may have dropped the case against the army corps of engineers, but it also pointed to them as responsible for the terrible state of the levees in New Orleans before the Federal Flood. Sandy Rosenthal, founder of joins me on this program to explain what is happening with the legislative and legal battles being fought in the quest for justice and accountability in NOLA.

The controversial video we discuss can be viewed here.

We Discuss:

  • The Jan. 31st ruling to drop the case against the corps.
  • The 8/29 Investigation Act
  • What has been rebuilt?
  • The Army Corps’ investigation of itself
  • The current presidential candidates and what they say about NOLA


note: I had a big technical problem in the recording and that is why Sandy’s audio is so distorted. Still, I fixed what I could and on most sound systems, it should be audible.

bm246 Podcast Sources

During my recent appearance on Yeast Radio I was asked about where I get my information, in terms of podcasts. In an effort to recommend and share my sources for reporting about the world and a wide range of issues, this program is a list of what I listen to and why.

The links to these podcasts can be found among my podcast links in the blogroll, which can be found in the menu bar to your right. Remember these are not just the podcasts I listen to, they are those that I look to for reporting on issues that have a global impact. Below are a few that I mention that are not in my blogroll.

International Herald Tribune Audio News

Americablog Podcast

On The Media

Mixed Greens

The State We’re In / Amsterdam Forum; from Radio Netherlands

Hispanorama from RNE

La Bas Si J’y Suis

TSF Pessoal e Transmissivél / Sinais

Deutsche Welle

ABC Radio National’s Background Briefing / All in the Mind


bm245 Helping the World Tell Stories

There are many people throughout the world with a story they would like to tell. There are many conflicts and misunderstandings that could be avoided if people would speak directly to each other. These are only two of the thoughts that drive Ryanne and Jay in the work that they do as videobloggers and teachers.

Us in Red In this podcast they join me to discuss how they see the world of video on the internet and where it could go in the future. We also get into the project they’ve been working on, Show in a Box, and how it could change the way people publish on the internet. Along the way we mention OpenCongress and Swajana.

You can follow their work on sustainability, at Ryan is Hungry and also Ryanne’s vlog at Ryannedit.

bm244 The Arctic Cold War, My Talk at 24C3

The arctic is melting, scientists and citizens are concerned about what will happen to our planet if this keeps going at such a fast rate. Meanwhile governments and corporations are salivating at the chance to own some new land and exploit some resources. They’re so eager, they’ll use whatever means they have to get that control. This is audio of my talk given at the 24C3 last month in Berlin, it includes commentary where I wanted to add some context or explain further.

You can watch videos of the talks here. And always, full credit to the CCC for the audio and video.