Imagine having no rights, no home, and no country. Now imagine that on top of that, you live amongst hundreds of thousands of other people in a makeshift camp for over 30 years. This is just part of the story that the people known as Bihari’s endure everyday in Bangladesh. My guest, documentary film maker Shafiur Rahman has made a film on this very topic, helps explain the past, present, and all the details that the world seems to ignore on a regular basis, of how an entire population can be declared stateless and without rights.
His film, The Promised Land (available via
His blog, Imperfect World
The wikipedia entry on the Bihari people
Courtesy of Shafiur, from the film.
note: (there is alot of white noise in this recording as I was recording it under unfamiliar circumstances and Im under alot of stress these days so no need to complain about it, thank you.)
While in Copenhagen last week I sat down with my friend and international vlog evangelist Raymond, to look at what is happening with video online and what is lacking when it comes to video online. Based his work on DLTQ and political campaigns in Denmark and Norway, Raymond provides insight on the good and bad when it comes to campaign vlogging and more. In many ways this podcast is an extension of the arguements and discussions brought forth in my podcast with Jay and Ryanne as well as with John Aravosis last December.
We Discuss:
- The State of video online
- YOutube
- The depth of conversation and engagement with an audience
- The political campaigns he worked 0n
- The shortness of time and value in the world of blogs
- The longterm struggle of todays vloggers
Besides DLTQ you can also occasionally find evidence of Raymond’s alter ego on
Why are two very needed hospitals in the city of Newark, NJ under threat of closing down? Money, politics, business.. what are the reasons being given and how do they hold up under some real scrutiny? My guests: Ken Walker of the Daily Newarker and Christina Hilo of the NUSSJ and help dissect the situation.
We Discuss:
- St. James and Columbus hospitals
- The hospital debt and funding
- Cathedral Health, who they are
- Possible Scenarios
- Uninsured Patients
- The difficulty of organizing in an immigrant community
- Latest Meetings
During my visit to Copenhagen, I went over to Christiania in hopes of speaking with people who could share their experience, living there and observing or taking part in events as they’ve unfolded over the past 3+ decades. I found myself at an art exhibit opening where kind Christianians pointed me to Mr. Morten Nielsen. We sat and talked for about thirty minutes. I was, admittedly, surprised and pleased that he was willing to tell his story and his experiences living in the community since 1974. (3 years after it was established).
Throughout the interview I tried to ask questions related to all the rumors and stories that I’ve come to know through either word of mouth here in Central Europe or through the media where occasional stories appear about how Christiania is changing or will end or.. name your rumor. The following is a podcast of that interview, complete with loud gentleman arguing some point in the background. A fitting backdrop (or otherwise forgive the background yelling, he quiets down eventually) for a conversation about a place where people are free to think and live in a very different way.
Our Topics Include:
- The Founding of Christiania
- Schools and Children
- The materials and structure of houses
- Work, What do people do?
- Drugs, Drug addiction, and Drug rehabilitation in Christiania
- Infrstructure; water, electricity, communal money
- Community rule enforcement and activists
- Relations with the city of Copenhagen
- The various plans and agreements between the city and Christiania
- The disagreements among residents about change and the plans
- Sustainability, now and with the future changes.
One year after my visit to Croatia, the struggle to preserve historical buildings from being torn down in favor of shopping malls continues. Last month, demonstrators again took to the streets to protest the plan. Longtime listener and concerned citizen Vlado speaks to us from Zagreb about what has changed, one year later.
Over the summer I recorded podcasts documenting my parents’ lives in Portugal. In this podcast I sit with my mother here in Amsterdam and she explains what it was like moving from Portugal to Newark, New Jersey in the 70’s.
What I enjoy most about recording this series of podcasts about my family is that not only do people seem to enjoy hearing these stories, it is also great for my family as alot of these stories we haven’t told in a long time and I continue to learn details that I did not previously know.