bm291 Climate Change and The Age of Stupid

He has traveled around the world showing the Al Gore film and speaking about climate change. But Stuart Scott isn’t satisfied with the results and he’s got a new task in his climate change education mission. After a disappointing conference in Poland, Stuart explains how the governments of the world are still thinking small, and how -in the tradition of An Inconvenient Truth-, this next film will mobilize people.

The Film: The Age of Stupid


bm290 25 Years of 2600

The topic: technology, society and everything in between. 2600 magazine is 25 years old and to talk about what it all means and why, Emmanuel Goldstein joins me for a sit down conversation in Berlin.

bm289 25C3 Preview and Update

This edition is simply an update about what is going on with me and the program. It is also a preview of the big event that is beginning in a few hours, the 25C3 in Berlin. I will be attending as well as speaking on the topic of GMO Soy. In this podcast I browse the schedule and point to society related topics I’ll be looking into and doing interviews related while at the congress.


  • Erika Badu – Me
  • Zeca Afonso – Os Vampiros
  • Chad van Gaalen – City of Electric Light

bm288 Genetically Modified Sugar

The things you may not have known about GMO sugar in your food.

bm287 4 Decades of Conflict in Mindanao

40 years of war in Mindanao rarely makes it to the front pages of the international press. Yet according to Edwin Espejo, more attention in the international would do alot towards ending this long and destructive conflict. As my guest in this edition of citizenreporter, Edwin explains a bit about the orgin of the conflict, the goals of the groups involved, and how things have evolved even prior to 9/11 and the connection between Mindanao and other conflicts in other parts of Asia.

I highly recommend his blog, which focuses on Mindanao and issues effecting the island, especially this conflict.


bm286 Robert Swan, Clean Energy and Antarctica

Robert Swan joins me today to discuss his sailing trips around the world and his work in Antarctica.