Greetings once again from the neon streets of Tokyo. The TBLI conference is in full swing here and that means yours truely is working hard to make sure technology works during this two day event. Therefore I shall interrupt the serious citizen journalism with a little interlude worthy of the worst and most distracting entertainment websites on the internet today. Yes as of this post, I too am guilty of promoting cat humor.
The following is what I believe to be a very unique cultural experience here in Tokyo, a place where those who cannot or do not own cats can pay a small fee and go spend time in a wonderland of felines. Here they can sit for hours just watching cats or actively petting and playing with them. Why? Who cares? All these questions are valid, and as your intrepid reporter, I considered these questions. With help from my Japan anthropologist friend Semisara, here is what we learned in the form of a video entry.