Tappy-Tap-Tap, the sounds of icey snow fill the air of ye old family home. I arrived here in the state of New Jersey several hours ago, around the same time as one of the year’s meanest ice storms I guess. Which somehow made the usually irritating and useless airport security checks and customs questions less annoying.
When I finally get the sleep I need and wake up focused and adjusted, I’ll write some about developments and corruption in the world of banana farming, vitamin supplements and lots of other fun stuff… part of sitting on a plane for 8 hours means reading many newspapers in more detail than maybe one usually does.
For now I’ll just mention a new blogging platform that makes blogging quite easy. No I mean.. even easier… which sounds redundant cause it is easier. Regardless, Tumblr is free and one of the easiest blogging tools I’ve seen since blogger. Not sure where the comments are, but everything else looks good and easy. Maybe it will be useful for those out there who wanted a blog but still felt like it wasn’t super simple enough yet.