As I write an army of garbage trucks (or dust-bin collectors as some call them), streetcleaners, sweepers, disinfectors and porta-john recoilers are blanketing Amsterdam. Their task is a momumental one: to clean up this dump after something like 1 million orange clad folk ran/floated around all day filling the atmosphere with crap club music from 1996 and beer cans. (seriously.. so many times today I heard “what is love.. baby don’t hurt me”) It has come and gone, see you next year Koninginedag.
450 million people, 20 official languages, my kind of Union. A warm welcome to EU25 as they are being called! Today Poland, Czech Rep., Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, Malta, and Cyprus (greek part) became EU! I’m now an associated-citizen of those countries as well!
On a final note tonight, I hope you’ve noticed the story about the photos of coalition soliders abusing and mistreating prisoners. The whole internet is buzzing about it, so read up on it. It is disgusting, and further illustrates what an awful situation it is. I also blame the military for recruiting mentally ill individuals, as well as young people barely out of high school. Military shouldn’t be allowed into schools to begin with, just as guns shouldn’t, they both help kill people.
Today’s Music: Prince – Musicology