bm170 Venice and the Crusades

The idea behind this podcast begins in the alleyways of Venice, only a few days ago. When observing the buildings and reading the history, one particular period stood out for me as significant to everything happening today. Listen to my amateur-armchair history summary and hear the shocking list of parallels between the Venice of 1200 and the Venices of today.

Univ of Wisconsin archive on the Crusades
Wikipedia, if you can stand it

Sleepy Low Budget Return

Just because a plane flies to and from it, and you have a metal detector.. does not mean it is an airport.

Or maybe it does.

Either way Treviso “airport”, also known as a hotdog stand, had me laughing all the way to the gate.. err.. back door number 1.

I’ll spare you the details and instead provide you with a photo.. which may no longer be worth the 1,000 words like they used to be, but at least it is worth a post.

Tomorrow.. audio.. and other fun.

Today I recommend you listen to this amazing Open Source Episode. I’m ashamed to say I had never heard of this Daniel Barenboim, but his manner of speaking and expressing himself represents much of the type of person I aim to be. Too bad I suck as a conductor.