Search Engine Boogie

One quick photo sample of my vacation time More are available, as I put them up on my photoblog. (Yes I have a photoblog!)

I can smell the new semester in the air… its a bouquet of beer, paper, and perfume. But more importantly, there are new people milling around University buildings, and in the past few days I’ve been fortunate enough to meet a great new group of them – social scientists persuing Masters Degrees.

BlondeButBright allowed me to tag along with her and attend a party with the new crew. It was as if two years had melted away and we were once again starting a new semester. Well, I suppose we are, so that makes sense. The point is its nice to see Amsterdam towards the end of the summer, it’s a great transition time full of promise and other nostalgic crap.

While I was on my two week respite in Portugal, I obviously didn’t see or hear too much about the Democratic Convention. Well, I got enough really. But today I came across something that really captured my attention, Teresa Heinz Kerry’s speech. Overall, what a great speech, and seemingly, what a great person! I just watched the streaming video and the first 5 minutes of the speech are superb, not only should every first lady eat her heart out, but every president for the last 20 years should either take note or roll over in his grave, because no one has ever been as great a speaker as this woman. I’m not talking about accent, which I find a pleasure to hear anyway. I was more captivated by her calmness, frankness, and confidence. Basically the second she greeted the audience in Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, and then greeted every immigrant in the country, I was sold!

And tonight, as I have done throughout this campaign I would like to speak to you from my heart. Y a todos los Hispanos, los Latinos; a tous les Americains, Francais et Canadiens; a tutti Italiani; a toda a familia Portugesa e Brazileria; to all my continental African family living in this country, and to all new Americans: I invite you to join our conversation, and together with us work towards the noblest purpose of all: a free, good, and democratic society.

If only we could just swap, she should be the candidate! (stupid electoral rules are a problem as well, I know)

BlogMaverick, otherwise known as the owner of the Dallas Mavericks, being one of my most respected bloggers, was recently talking about his latest investment: . It is meant to be a challenge to Google, a more creative and feature-filled search engine. It’s only in the beggining stages, but already I like it alot. It provides info such as a thumbnail of the site, what number it rates with other engines, and interesting people searching tools. I commend his investment, I’m going to be a ice rocket user. Soon people will start saying, quick… “Ice Rocket” (as opposed to Google) Bicyclemark and see what his latest web projects are. Man, I can’t wait for the future!

Today’s Music: Bill Frisell – The Willies